
2024-25 Bare Essentials

Every month a new edition of the Bare Essentials will be delivered to your inbox and posted here on the site. If you do not receive our newsletters, use the form on the right to subscribe to our communication list.

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024

January 2025

February 2025

March 2025

April 2025

May 2025

June 2025

If you have any questions or comments about what you’d like to see in the Bare Essentials or if you’d like to sign up for our newsletters, contact Vice President Christine McGovern.

For past issues of our newsletter, click on the following links:

2023-24 Bare Essentials
2022-23 Bare Essentials
2021-22 Bare Essentials
2020-21 Bare Essentials