The ETFO Niagara Local Office will be closed from July 1 to August 26, 2024. As it is our Summer Break, the Released Officers will only periodically check email, so please be patient if you do not receive a reply right away.

  • In the event of an emergency, such as an allegation of assault, teachers should:
    NOT participate in or consent to an interview
  • Make NO statement to anyone regarding the allegations or charges
  • Say “I’m willing to cooperate but am unable to comment until I contact my Federation and legal counsel.”
  • Call Professional Relations Services (PRS) at 1-888-838-3836. State that your call is urgent and you will need to speak to the duty officer.
  • If you get voice mail, leave your name, phone number(s), and times you are available. State that your call is an emergency. Your call will be answered, but you will be put on hold while a lawyer (on call), is contacted.

If you have any questions about benefits, they should be directed to OTIP by calling 1-866-783-6847. You need your plan information located on your Benefits Card.

Brian, Chris, and Jenn hope you have a restful and relaxing summer break-you’ve earned it!

Land Acknowledgement

ETFO Niagara acknowledges the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Agreement.

Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous people.

About Us

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is the largest teachers’ organization in Canada, outside of Quebec. ETFO represents 83,000 people, both teachers and education workers in the public elementary schools of Ontario. The ETFO Niagara Teacher Local represents over 1700 teachers and 31 000 elementary students located at 140 sites across the Niagara peninsula. Our goals are to provide quick, professional, and confidential services to members. We support personal and professional growth through a climate of mutual respect, fairness, equal opportunity, collegiality, clarity of process, and democracy.

At the Niagara Local we are dedicated to promoting high standards of professional competence and ethics. As a unified, democratic organization of informed professionals we aim to anticipate and respond to the complex needs of our membership. We are advocates for the interests and education of children in our care. We believe this can be accomplished through pro-active dialogue and interaction with our education partners in the community.

ETFO Human Rights Statement

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario is committed to:

  • providing an environment for members that is free from harassment and discrimination at all provincial or local Federation sponsored activities;
  • fostering the goodwill and trust necessary to protect the rights of all individuals within the organization;
  • neither tolerating nor condoning behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of individuals or the integrity of relationships; and
  • promoting mutual respect, understanding and cooperation as the basis of interaction among all members.

Harassment and discrimination on the basis of a prohibited ground are violations of the Ontario Human Rights Code and are illegal. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code, at provincial or local Federation-sponsored activities.